


英文読解の質問です。 1) One position maintained that art stood high above the present and the everyday, while the radical view maintained that art had a right to exist only if it found its sources in concrete reality, and, through the exposure of want and injustice, it contributed to the creation of a new society; literature, in other words, should be useful. D took a third position. という文について、stood high above the present and the everydayはどのように理解したらいいでしょうか。現実世界に常に存在している、というようなニュアンスでしょうか。

2) Within perceptible "reality" exists another sphere, the fantastic, which is not in any way superfluous to a writer's concerns: "The fantastic must be so intimately bound up with the real that one almost believes in it." という文について、whichの先行詞はthe fantasticだと思うのですがそれだと不完全文になるのではと思うのですが、もしかしてこの文を書き直すとThe fantastic, (which....concerns) exists within another sphere, perceptible "reality" (同格)という事なんでしょうか?主語と動詞が倒置しているにしても色々な語順をかなり入れ替えてしまったのですが。またintimatelyもbe bind up withも「密接な関係がある」という意味だと思うのですが二つ重ねたのは強調のためですか?少ししつこい気もするのですが...。

3) A literary work must stand or fall on its "artistic merit," he explained. The utilitarian claim that the formal aspects of a work were of secondary importance so long as its goal was good and its purpose clear struck D as a contradiction in terms. という文についてですが、stand or fall onというのはどういう意味でしょうか。またThe utilitarian~clearで文が成立していて終わっていると思うのですが、struck Dの前に前文を先行詞にとる, whichが省略されているのでしょうか?(そもそもこのwhichって省略できたのか分からないのですが) in termsというのはその言葉の中に、言葉自体に、という意味でいいでしょうか。

4) The radical critics' requirement that art must at all costs be "useful" to people and society seemed to D unsatisfactory. という文についてですが、特に語が長い訳でもないのにseemed unsatisfactory to Dとならないのは何故ですか?



>art stood high above the present and the everyday


>Within perceptible "reality" exists another sphere, the fantastic, which is not in any way superfluous to a writer's concerns


> intimately bound up with (密接に関係している)

「intimately」=「in a very close way」
「bound up with something」=「to be connected to something else 」

>A literary work must stand or fall on its "artistic merit," 


>The utilitarian claim that the formal aspects of a work were of secondary importance so long as its goal was good and its purpose clear struck D as a contradiction in terms.

主部:「The utilitarian claim that the formal aspects of a work were of secondary importance so long as its goal was good and its purpose clear 」
述部:「struck D as a contradiction in terms」

>「contradiction in terms」=「A statement or group of words associating objects or ideas that are incompatible」=「ある事柄や考えについて述べられているそれらの言葉は並び立たない、つまり言葉同士が矛盾している」


>seemed unsatisfactory to Dとならないのは何故ですか?




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